Service Schedule

Services Schedule

Sunday Services: Orthros 9:00 am; Divine Liturgy 10:00 am. Weekday Services: Divine Liturgy 10:00 am.

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For our full calendar of worship and events, please see the Calendar page

March Schedule of Services

Monday, March 3--Clean Monday / Kathara Deftera
6:30 pm--Great Compline with the first part of the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

Wednesday, March 5
6:30 pm--Pre-Sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Pot Luck and Catechetical Talk

Friday, March 7
6:30 pm--1st Stasis of the Salutations (Chairetismoi) to the Theotokos followed by a Lenten Tea

Saturday, March 8--3rd Saturday of Souls / Commemoration of the Miracle of the Kolyva of St. Theodore Tyron
10:00 am--Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service

Sunday, March 9--1st Sunday of Great Lent / Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy6
10:00 am--Divine Liturgy followed by the Procession of Icons

Monday, March 10
6:30 pm--Great Compline

Wednesday, March 12
6:30 pm--Pre-sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Pot Luck and Catechetical Talk

Friday, March 14
6:30 pm--2nd Stasis of the Salutations (Chairetismoi) to the Theotokos followed by a Lenten Tea

Sunday, March 16--2nd Sunday of Great Lent / St. Gregory Palamas
10:00 am--Divine Liturgy

Monday, March 17
6:30 pm--Great Compline

Wednesday, March 19 
6:30 pm--Pre-sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Pot Luck and Catechetical Talk

Friday, March 21
6:30 pm--3rd Stasis of the Salutations (Chairetismoi) to the Theotokos followed by a Lenten Tea

Sunday, March 23--3rd Sunday of Great Lent / Veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross
10:00 am--Divine Liturgy followed by the procession and veneration of the Cross

Tuesday, March 25--The Annunciation 
10:00 am--Divine Liturgy followed by our monthly Theolotea

Wednesday, March 26
6:30 pm--Pre-Sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Pot Luck and Catechetical Talk

Friday, March 28
6:30 pm--4th Stasis of the Salutations (Chairetismoi) to the Theotokos followed by a Lenten Tea

Sunday, March 30--4th Sunday of Lent / St. John of the Ladder
10:00 am--Divine Liturgy

Monday, March 31
6:30 pm--Great Compline